Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Seronegative Arthritis, Gout, Acute Joint Rheumatism, Joint Calcifications, Degenerative Joint Diseases
Cerebral Palsy, Facial Paralysis, Cerebral Palsy, Lumbar Herniation, Cervical Herniation
MS, Parkinson's, Muscle Diseases, Sciatica, Nerve Compression
Joint stiffness after sprain and fracture, Tennis and golfer's elbow, Muscle and joint injuries, Lumbago, Waist and neck stiffness, Lumbar slip.
Intra-articular applications, Trigger point, fascia, tendon, Nerve compression injection, Kinesiotaping (Taping Treatment), IMS (Dry Needling), Obesity (Cavitation Applications)
It is the use of physical agents and techniques such as electric current, hot-cold, sound waves of various frequencies, magnetic field therapy, hydrotherapy (water therapy) in the treatment of pain, loss of function, disability and disability related to the musculoskeletal system. Physical therapy facilitates the person's return to work and social life by minimizing the effects of painful condition, disability and disability.
Rehabilitation can be defined as the restoration of lost functions. In rehabilitation, the goal is to maximize the body functions of a person who has lost some of these functions due to illness or injury. In addition to physical therapy applications, various exercise techniques are also used in rehabilitation.